Sunday, February 24, 2008

Initiation Rites

This initiation group will be either above, below or holding onto rocks at all times. Survive the darkness of the caverns and of the night, to emerge at the end a glorious initiate.

Day 1: Set off, Camp Craft at Gelanggi & Daily Reflection
Day 2: Abseiling (1st half) / Caving (2nd half) & Solo Drop
Day 3: Abseiling (2nd half) / Caving (1st half) & Night Walk
Day 4: Canopy Walk, Rapid Shooting, Orang Asli Experience & Reunion of Initiates
Day 5: Arrive home and resume modern living

Like nomads and aboriginals, this initiation group will live off the land, finding food water and shelter in the most obvious yet unexpected places - right in front of them. By the time they walk out of the jungle they will be able to look at the most hostile situation and say, "Sure, I can handle that."

Day 1: Set off, Camp Craft at Kuala Tahan & Daily Reflection
Day 2: Orang Asli Jungle Survival Skills
Day 3: Jungle Trekking & Orang Asli Experience
Day 4: 4x4 and Waterfall Experience & Reunion of Initiates
Day 5: Arrive home and resume modern living

This initiation group will endure distances they would never dream of back home. They will walk, ride, paddle and fly farther than ever, and they will never doubt themselves or look back. When the marathons are done, they will be able to see anything through to the end, no matter how long it takes.

(the 1st half)
Day 1: Set off, Camp Craft at Pasir Sia & Daily Reflection
Day 2: Cycling Challenge
Day 3: Water Confidence, White Water Rafting, Flying Fox & River Crossing
Day 4: Canopy Walk, Trekking at Kuala Tahan & Reunion of Initiates
Day 5: Arrive home and resume modern living

(the other half)
Day 1: Set off, Camp Craft at Jeram Besu & Daily Reflection
Day 2: Water Confidence, White Water Rafting, Flying Fox & River Crossing
Day 3: Cyling Challenge
Day 4: Trekking at Kuala Tahan, Canopy Walk & Reunion of Initiates
Day 5: Arrive home and resume modern living

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