Saturday, March 8, 2008

All Good Things (Don't End)

We're coming back to life, back to the world as we knew it, certainly the world as everyone else knows it.

Do you feel it? The feeling of disjointedness? It feels different. It's the same home, same streets, same island, same bed, but something is not the same. It's yourself. The world may not have changed in the meantime, but we have. The feeling of strangeness is the knowledge that you've seen and done so much, and now you're tougher, and the world doesn't know it yet.

But they will. They are going to know, when you wake up tomorrow and the act of eating breakfast is like a whole new world after everything you've been through.

The fact is, you've lived life at it's barest, some of you even more bare than others. There was fun, but also pain. And the tougher it was, the tougher you have become now. This wasn't camping in East Coast park, this wasn't Ubin resort - this was the jungle, where rocks are sharp and the ground is a living thing. The more you put yourself through, the more you went for it, the more you bounced back stronger. Trouble is, the world doesn't realise it.

But they will. When you pause in the middle of breaking that egg or pouring your coffee tomorrow, thinking Man, I'm not the same anymore, know this: You won't be able to hide it, it's going to show up in everything you do. It'll be in the way you walk, talk, eat and read the newspaper. It'll be in the way you sleep, drink and make decisions. After all you've seen and done - and the more you saw and did, the more true this is - none of the small stuff can get you down: no obstacle can make you give up; no problem can make you worried.

When you pause then, taking it all it in, don't forget: This is your new life. YOU are resilience.

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